Agnes Owner & Chief Administrator
After a decade in natural health care Agnes chose to co-found Gordon Pet Services with her family. She discovered that she has so much in common with her fellow canines: the love of the outdoors, hiking on nature trails, swimming, stretching into yoga postures and enjoying the simple things in life like a good ball game and a swim with the boarding dogs. In her spare time she works as the chief administrator at Gordon Pet Services.

Don – Owner & Assistant Administrator
After a long career in the Security Industry Don chose to join Gordon Pet Services as his retirement occupation. His love of animals and his experience in home safety has led to his specialty in Overnight Pet Sitting assignments. Don is passionate in his enjoyment of the outdoors which he shares with his furry friends who have given him a lot of joy and happiness.

Andrew G. Petsitter & Dog Walker
Andrew lives in Brampton, ON; Gordon Pet Services was his brain child and his dog Russell provided the inspiration for our business. Andrew also designed our logo. Whenever possible he visits us in Meaford to help with our mission of.caring for our clients’ pets.

Sabrina G. Hostess
Sabrina is our dog and the Hostess at Gordon Pet Services. She is a runt JRT with a shrill soprano voice and personality plus. In spite of her miniature size (10 lbs) she sees herself as the designated disciplinarian at our Dog Inn; and somehow manages to pull off this image.