Bobbi was the horse that came almost every day close to our fence at the back of the yard. She would wait patiently for my husband to pet her. The odd time he was allowed to give her a carrot. The children next door also came to enjoy Bobbi’s company at the fence. We made friends with her and we asked Coreen (her owner) about the story of Bobbi’s life.

She was a registered Quarter Horse barrel racer. One of the top in the world. Her talent was recognized when she came in fifteenth out of 500 in the World Championship race in Jackson Mississippi.

This was a timed course event in the Youth Class of riders age fifteen and under.

She competed in professional racing until the age of ten when she retired to a farm near Heathcote, Ontario. Her last owners Coreen and Jim, our neighbours, had Bobbi from the age of sixteen as a riding horse. At the Meaford farm she lucked out and found a horse’s paradise. Bobbi had a large field to run on, a paddock for riding, excellent shelter and dotting owners. She joined the family in their Florida stays during the harsh Canadian winters. Bobbi was cherished as a family member for the rest of her life until she passed at the age of twenty eight.

Now reading about such a motivated racing horse you might imagine an agitated fierce animal to be treated with caution. Surprisingly enough Bobbi did not fit that image. As a matter of fact she had a very gentle, kind temperament and was very fond of children.

One day in the fall of 2020 Bobbi did not show up at the fence. Shortly after, our next door neighbour told us that Bobbi had passed away. We miss her a lot. Whenever we look at our backyard fence we remember her with many fond memories.

Don visiting with Bobbi
Bobbi with her loving owner Coreen